New site launch
Among the news are:
- Rename from Departure Software to DSW
- New URL,
- My personal site relegated to Blog/
- New, MacUI-like layout
- Better CSS code, easier to change
- Less images
In general, the change should serve everyone well. Enjoy the new site and the exciting DSW utilities.
allDown 1.0 release
My new light-weight download client for All of MP3 has been launched.
It's a very lightweight program, only occupying ~200K of space, and with quite limited functionality - nothing but
the primary purpose:
As you probably can see, it's a cute, small app, built as a UB both for PPC/Intel. It uses agressive multithreading,
and will attempt to download all files simultaneously, resulting in maximum throughput from the (sometimes slow) All of MP3.
> Product page
DSW > index
DSW > index